Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Winter Entertainment

When it's truly cold out to the point you really can have skin exposed, you need to find unusual things to do. Around here, ice fishing is not a popular sport. But it's truly cold out and the lake that the Conservation Dept. stocks with trout is frozen over with 6+ inches of ice. So ice fishing is popular right now. The last time I went ice fishing was about three winters ago. It's a blast and a good lesson in survival.
I went out this past Saturday and was on the ice before 7:00am. Only part of my face was exposed, so I was in good shape. The problem is you can't do much in the way of fine motor work with big gloves on- so you take them off to get the hook from the fish or bait the hook. There's a formula for how much time you can have skin exposed at different temps. before it starts to freeze. I passed that limit. It's not so much the cold and numb feeling that's a problem- it's the warming back up part that smarts. I honestly don't think I've ever been in so much pain with no way to stop it. You just have to wait. It's three days later now and my fingertips are still just a little sore. I did fill my limit of four trout though with one really nice fish. Pictures to follow.
I guess I need entertainment when I sleep too. Maybe that's why I had a dream last night that I saw a guy get electricuted on powerlines... His face melted off. That one woke me up.

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