Wednesday, August 30, 2006


School is starting out with a bang! I am expecting much to blog about this year and little to none of it will have to do with riding or racing a bike. Mostly because I quit. I'm sick of crusty old men giving me a beat down everytime I line up. I hate old people. Especially the ones who go fast on bikes with their skinny old bodies lapping mine. I'm not really quitting, but I did take a beating from one man last weekend in one of the last crits of the year for me. Now I only have to take four more beatdowns before I get to relax and just yell at kids all day.
We're having a fund raiser at our school to put phones in each of the rooms. Yesterday the representative for the company who kind of puts on our fundraiser had all the 6th graders in the gym telling them about how it works. Here's one of her first lines to the 10-12 year old kids, "Kids, what's the thing you think about ALLLLL the time?......................And, I'm not talking about SEX!"
"HOLY CRAP! Did she just say that?" That's what all the teachers' faces said as we looked at each other. Then our principal walks to the back of the room and as he's passing us he says under his breath, "Yeah, I'm going to need to talk to her about that." Maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal, but you have to realize that beginning of the year 6th graders are just little kids and when she said that they all just looked at her like she had pulled an axe murderer out of a hat.
Then a couple of days ago I was passing out text books. I was explaining how the books need to be taken care of because they're new and it costs $50.00 to replace one book. A kid raises his hand and says in a real slow low voice, "How about if you use your book as a weapon?" as he picks it up with two hands and pretends to crush the skull of the kid in front of him. "Would you have to pay $50.00 for that?" My reply while all the kids are giving a scared little giggle, "I think we'd have a different problem if that happens."

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